What are cookies?

A cookie refers to a file that is sent for the purpose of requesting permission to be stored on your computer when you accept this file is created and the cookie is then used to have information regarding web traffic, and also facilitates future visits to a recurring website. Another function that cookies have is that with them the web can recognize you individually and therefore offer you the best-personalized service of your web.

Palco4 website uses cookies to be able to identify the pages that are visited and their frequency. This information is only used for statistical analysis and then the information is permanently deleted. You can delete cookies at any time from your computer. However cookies help to provide a better service to websites, these do not give access to information from your computer or you, unless you want it and provide it directly, visits to a website. You can accept or deny the use of cookies, however, most browsers automatically accept cookies as it serves to have a better web service. You can also change your computer’s settings to decline cookies. If cookies are declined you may not be able to use some of our services.

Types of cookies used

This website uses both temporary session cookies and permanent cookies. Session cookies store data only while the user accesses the website and permanent cookies store data in the terminal so that they can be accessed and used in more than one session.

Depending on the purpose for which the data obtained through cookies are processed, the website may be used:

  • Technical Cookies

    They are those that allow the user to navigate through the web page or the application and use of the different options or services that exist in it.
  • Customization Cookies

    They are those that allow the user to access the service with some general characteristics predefined in the terminal or that the user defines. For example, the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed.
  • Advertising Cookies

    They are those that allow the effective management of advertising spaces that have been included in the website or application from which the service is provided.
  • Statistical analysis cookies

    They are those that allow the tracking and analysis of user behavior on websites.
  • Third party cookies

    They are those that can be installed by third parties and that allow to manage and improve the services offered. Such as, for example, Google Analytics statistical services…

    We do not allow third parties to advertise on our website, but we cannot control advertisers who are permitted by Internet service providers to advertise while browsing.

What cookies do we use?

  • 1P_JAR: transfers data to Google. It has a permanence of 1 week.
  • _zlcmid: cookies used by the ZOPIM tool to allow live chat with customer support.
  • _ga: It is used by Google Analytics to distinguish users. Two years
  • _gat: Use it to differentiate between the different tracking objects created in the session. The cookie is created by loading the javascript library and there is no previous version of the _gat cookie. The cookie is updated each time you send data to Google Analytics.
  • _gid: Google Analytics uses this cookie to store and update a unique value for each page visited. The cookie is updated each time you send data to Google Analytics.

How do I disable cookies?

Blocking or deactivating all cookies helps protect your privacy, but may also limit your experience on some websites, as well as limit functionality or even prevent proper browsing or use of some of their services. If you want to know how to disable cookies in the most popular web browsers, access the following tutorials: